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WHAT IS fair funding?
ExcellTrust bekerja sama dengan Partner Investor memperkenalkan PROGRAM FAIR FUNDING .
FAIR FUNDING adalah Program Pendanaan bagi perusahaan yang membutuhkan Skema Kontrak Modal Kerja atau KMK dan/atau perusahaan yang membutuhkan Partner dalam bentuk Joint Operation Body atau Kerjasama.
Ilustrasi* : Mekanisme Fair Funding sangatlah sederhana, Pemohon cukup memperlihatkan Equity perusahaan yang dimiliki Pemohon minimal senilai IDR 30,000,000,000.- (Tiga Puluh Milyard Rupiah) / US$ 2,000,000.- (Dua Juta United Dollars), maka Pemohon akan mendapatkan Dana 10x - 15x dari Nominal awal Equity yang dimiliki atau dalam hal ini antara IDR 300,000,000.- hingga IDR 450,000,000,000.- (Empat Ratus Lima Puluh Milyard Rupiah) / US$ 30,000,000.- (Tiga Puluh Juta United States Dollars).
*kesediaan program ini dan Syarat & ketentuan berlaku dan dapat berubah seiring waktu, hubungi ExcellTrust melalui email: submit@excelltrust.com untuk info lebih lanjut
FAIR FUNDING adalah Program Pendanaan bagi perusahaan yang membutuhkan Skema Kontrak Modal Kerja atau KMK dan/atau perusahaan yang membutuhkan Partner dalam bentuk Joint Operation Body atau Kerjasama.
Ilustrasi* : Mekanisme Fair Funding sangatlah sederhana, Pemohon cukup memperlihatkan Equity perusahaan yang dimiliki Pemohon minimal senilai IDR 30,000,000,000.- (Tiga Puluh Milyard Rupiah) / US$ 2,000,000.- (Dua Juta United Dollars), maka Pemohon akan mendapatkan Dana 10x - 15x dari Nominal awal Equity yang dimiliki atau dalam hal ini antara IDR 300,000,000.- hingga IDR 450,000,000,000.- (Empat Ratus Lima Puluh Milyard Rupiah) / US$ 30,000,000.- (Tiga Puluh Juta United States Dollars).
- Proses pendanaan setelah semua dinyatakan Clean and Clear dan kesepakatan antara Perusahaan Pemohon - ExcellTrust - Partner Investor disepakati bersama.
- BAGAIMANA JIKA PERUSAHAAN PEMOHON TIDAK MEMPUNYAI EQUITY IDR 30,000,000,000.- (Tiga Puluh Milyard Rupiah) / US$ 2,000,000.- (Dua Juta United States Dollars)? ExcellTrust akan membantu perusahaan tersebut memenuhi Minimal Equity tersebut melalui skema Financing kami yang lain, sebelum diajukan pada Program FAIR FUNDING.
*kesediaan program ini dan Syarat & ketentuan berlaku dan dapat berubah seiring waktu, hubungi ExcellTrust melalui email: submit@excelltrust.com untuk info lebih lanjut
ExcellTrust in collaboration with Investor Partners introduces the FAIR FUNDING PROGRAM.
FAIR FUNDING is a Funding Program for companies that need a Working Capital Contract Scheme and / or companies that need a Partner in the form of a Joint Operation Body or JOB.
*Illustration* : The Fair Funding mechanism is very simple, the Applicant only needs to show the Company Equity owned by the Applicant at least IDR 30,000,000,000.- (Thirty Billion Rupiah) or US$ 2,000,000.- (Two Million United States Dollars), then the Applicant will get 15x Funds or in this case get IDR 450,000,000,000 (Four Hundreds and Fifty Billion Rupiah or US$ 30,000,000.- (Thirty Million United States Dollars).
FAIR FUNDING is a Funding Program for companies that need a Working Capital Contract Scheme and / or companies that need a Partner in the form of a Joint Operation Body or JOB.
*Illustration* : The Fair Funding mechanism is very simple, the Applicant only needs to show the Company Equity owned by the Applicant at least IDR 30,000,000,000.- (Thirty Billion Rupiah) or US$ 2,000,000.- (Two Million United States Dollars), then the Applicant will get 15x Funds or in this case get IDR 450,000,000,000 (Four Hundreds and Fifty Billion Rupiah or US$ 30,000,000.- (Thirty Million United States Dollars).
- The funding process after everything is declared Clean and Clear and the agreement between the Applicant Company - ExcellTrust - Partner Investor is mutually agreed.
- WHAT IF THE APPLICANT COMPANY DOES NOT HAVE EQUITY IDR 30,000,000,000.- (Thirty Billion Rupiah) / US$ 2,000,000.- (Two Million United States Dollars)? ExcellTrust will help the company meet this Minimum Equity through our other Financing schemes, prior to submission to the FAIR FUNDING Program.\
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Hi I'm Mia, I'm excited to let you know how we can help your business..
Q: WHAT IF THE APPLICANT COMPANY DOES NOT HAVE EQUITY IDR 30,000,000,000.- (Thirty Billion Rupiah) / US$ 2,000,000.- (Two Million United States Dollars)?
A: ExcellTrust will help the company meet this Minimum Equity through our other Financing schemes, prior to submission to the FAIR FUNDING Program.
A: ExcellTrust will help the company meet this Minimum Equity through our other Financing schemes, prior to submission to the FAIR FUNDING Program.
"The only way to change the temperature in your room is to change the thermostat. In the same way, the only way to change your level of financial success is to change your financial mindset. the choice is always yours"